1.What are your top 3 favorite foods?
- curry ,omelet,and pizza
2.What was the last book you read and would you recommend it, and why?
-Happy Birthday, it was a heart touching story
3.What is the best place you have ever been and why?
-Grand Canyon, the view there is great all you have to do is not touch the squirrels there they have rabies....
4.What was the last movie you watched and would you recommend it, and why?
-Howl's Moving Old Castle, I'm not really a movie fan but his storys has many things it wants to tell people throughout the movie.
-Fujimidai station, Family Mart, and Koban
6.If you could meet someone internationally famous who would it be and what would you want to ask them?
-Roger Federer, whay are you so good at tennis?
7.Name 3 places you have never been that you want to visit.
-Italy,Korea, and France
8.If RU disappeared today, what would you do instead of study?
- work and play
9.Name three interesting things you keep in your own room.
-penguin doll, bucket full of coin, empty box
10.What are the top 3 things you want to achieve before you graduate?
-improve my writting skill, make more friends that will last forever, and improve my english
11.If you won ¥1 billion (10 oku) what are the first 3 things you would do?
-bang my head against the wall to check that I'm not dreaming, gather friends and have a party, and buy a house.
12.If you had a superpower what would it be and what would you do with it?
-Go back in time and do my life all over again.
- curry ,omelet,and pizza
2.What was the last book you read and would you recommend it, and why?
-Happy Birthday, it was a heart touching story
3.What is the best place you have ever been and why?
-Grand Canyon, the view there is great all you have to do is not touch the squirrels there they have rabies....
4.What was the last movie you watched and would you recommend it, and why?
-Howl's Moving Old Castle, I'm not really a movie fan but his storys has many things it wants to tell people throughout the movie.
-Fujimidai station, Family Mart, and Koban
6.If you could meet someone internationally famous who would it be and what would you want to ask them?
-Roger Federer, whay are you so good at tennis?
7.Name 3 places you have never been that you want to visit.
-Italy,Korea, and France
8.If RU disappeared today, what would you do instead of study?
- work and play
9.Name three interesting things you keep in your own room.
-penguin doll, bucket full of coin, empty box
10.What are the top 3 things you want to achieve before you graduate?
-improve my writting skill, make more friends that will last forever, and improve my english
11.If you won ¥1 billion (10 oku) what are the first 3 things you would do?
-bang my head against the wall to check that I'm not dreaming, gather friends and have a party, and buy a house.
12.If you had a superpower what would it be and what would you do with it?
-Go back in time and do my life all over again.
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