I am
I am a guy who really love football. Last night I woke up late to watch the football match. Barcelona is my favorite team and I believed Barcelona beat Chelsea, one of my hatest team. However, the score was 0-0. I felt really bad through out the day.
I need
I need to have more passion to study. Always, I am really enthusiastic at the first few weeks of semester. However, it gradually drop all the time. Does any know how to keep it? If yes, please tell me!!
I want
I want to travel more. I really love to travel all around the world. This picture was taken by me when I went to Barcelona, when I was 18. I was still a high school student at that time. That travel changed me a lot. It was a first time that I went somewhere just by myself. I really felt lonely but it was a wonderful experience. I am planning to visit some Europian countries, so if you guys have any recommend, let me know.
I fear
I fear of snake. I hate snake!When I was in Singapore, I had a experience chased by snake. Can you believe it? Iwas age 3 or 4, and that was really shocking to me. From that time, I really hate and fear snake!
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