Full turkey Christmas dinner, grilled meat and lasagne with parmesan.
2. What was the last book you read and would you recommend it, and why?
The last book I read is Catch 22, my favourite book by the way. I would absolutely recommend it for its pitch black humour and quirky logic.
3. What is the best place you have ever been and why?
I guess Sæby, Denmark on a lazy summer day. If you can't find peace there, you can't ever :P
4. What was the last movie you watched and would you recommend it, and why?
A movie on the plane to Japan, starring Jennifer Aniston, Owen Wilson and a dog. The rest I don't remember, it was *that* captivating.
5. List 3 things you can see outside of the nearest window.
The train, people on bicycles, a shopping mall.
6. If you could meet someone internationally famous who would it be and what would you want to ask them?
I would ask Jim Carey to stop making movies.
7. Name 3 places you have never been that you want to visit.
Island, China, Canada.
8. If RU disappeared today, what would you do instead of study?
Go home and work some more before next semester? :P
9. Name three interesting things you keep in your own room.
A tennisball (I don't play tennis), a large coffee cup (but I do drink coffee) and a nintendo dsi (with a kanji dictionary in it).
10. What are the top 3 things you want to achieve before you graduate?
I would like to get a job before I graduate, find a decent place to live where I study, and maybe get engaged :O
11. If you won ¥1 billion (10 oku) what are the first 3 things you would do?
Scream out "Holy Sh**" 50 times! Invite some friends over to Japan on first class and treat them to a Kobe beef dinner. Upgrade my wardrobe.
12. If you had a superpower what would it be and what would you do with it?
To be able to run like the wind. I wouldn't do anything in particular though, probably go jogging more often, but that's it.
Picture taken by Orlando Calvo, permission to use it granted.
Kobe beef... *drivel*
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