Just for the pleasure of blogging

Posted 22:40 by b.Lu in
  1. What are your top 3 favorite foods?
    Sushi, Granny Smith apples and strawberries.

  2. What was the last book you read and would you recommend it, and why? Freakonomics by Levitt and Dubner. The book is easy to read, and I would recommend it to anyone, since you don't need any specific foreknowledge in economy to understand it.

  3. What is the best place you have ever been and why?
    It must have been Angers in France. Very idyllic, very French, and good rosé wine.

  4. What was the last movie you watched and would you recommend it, and why?
    The last movie I saw was Slumdog Millionaire. I would recommend for those who are interested in a good movie which is not typical American-style.

  5. List 3 things you can see outside of the nearest window.
    The JR railway, the supermarket and 7eleven.

  6. If you could meet someone internationally famous who would it be and what would you want to ask them?
    I would like to meet Hillary Clinton and ask her when she actually realized that she had lost again Obama. And what was running through her mind at that point.

  7. Name 3 places you have never been that you want to visit.
    South-Africa, Cuba and Moskva.

  8. If RU disappeared today, what would you do instead of study?
    I would probably do some painting or photographing.

  9. Name three interesting things you keep in your own room.
    A pencil case which looks like a panda, a can of crappy Swedish beer (which is not drinkable anymore I think) and a Mickey Mouse melody case.

  10. What are the top 3 things you want to achieve before you graduate?
    I would like to go to the Alpes in France and stay there for the entire winter season, save some money and visit my grandparents more often.

  11. If you won ¥1 billion (10 oku) what are the first 3 things you would do?
    Build a house, save the money in a fund and give the rest to charity.

  12. If you had a superpower what would it be and what would you do with it?
    When I was little I wished I had the ability to speak to animals, so that I could save them from the mean people (= grown-ups) who would torture animals and lock them up in cages. Too many Lassie-episodes I guess.

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