I am a tennis player who doesn' t belong to a Rikkyo Tennis Team. I'm also a tennis coach at a club in Setagaya, and right now, I coach from little kids to highschool students who wants to become a proffesional or a top player in Japan. So I have to be very serious whenever I go to the lesson (5 times a week), and always have to be well-prepared in terms of my self-conditioning and what to do in the lesson. I usually get home at around 11:30 pm, and usually go right to bed being totally exausted. But I strongly feel that it is a worthwhile job, so I'm looking forward to continue it until the end of my final year at Rikkyo.
I need a battery cover for my cellphone. Really, this is something very serious and I've been missing my battery cover for about 6 months now. I assume that I lost it in building 8, so if someone finds a black battery cover, please contact me. I will give you a small thank you gift in return (a trip to Hawaii).
I want to travel to many countries and see & feel many cultures. But this is gonna be something very difficult because I'm probably not going to get a long break at my tennis club. I never thought I would have this much responsibility as a tennis coach, but I must find a way to go on a long trip to Africa. Why Africa? Because I wanna see a place that's totally different from our country.
I fear my Rikkyo life would end very quickly. I want to study many things about business in school, and also become a competitive tennis player. There are so many other things I wanna do, so I really have to work hard and do what I have to do each day. But hopefully, I will get a lot of the things out from this zemi. Thursday is my favortie day.
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