I think, therefore I am. 2nd blog.

Posted 02:37 by scott in

I am Turning 21 next week. A Business Major. I am 165 tall and 60 in weight. Half Japanese, born and raised in Hawaii. I am a lazy lazy man. I am a carefree Hawaiian, who loves to go to the beach and BBQ. I am not planning on changing the world, but learning to live in it. I am many things, but mostly I am a happy and lucky guy. I am me.
I need
I need more time in the week to do the things I have/want to. I need a new email address because i get to much SPAM mail. I need an external memory drive for my laptop. I need to play music at least a few times a month. I need to eat yakiniku often and in large amounts. I need to drop quantitative financing but its past the deadline. I need to find someplace to live that is closer to school and less than what i am paying now. I need to surround myself with people from all walks of life. I need balance. I need to have chocolate. I need to go to the gym atleast 3 times a week. I need more than i thought....
I want I want to be a home owner within the next 10 years. I want to have a meaningfull well paying job that still allows me to spend time with my family and friends. I want to protect the people around me and become a considerate adult. I want to watch more discovery chanel programs. I want to study in another country before I graduate. I want to live much more than 100 years. I want to be in love with the world forever. Also, I want to eat a grilled cheese.
I fear

I fear that life is to short... I fear that i will die not understanding everything around me. I fear that i take for granted the opportunites that i have been given. I fear that my generation has a lot of work to do, and even more problems to figuere out.
Fear was once used as a term for respect. such as "god fearing". In this sense, i fear all, and yet i fear not.

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