I am a crazy giraffe lover girl!! I started to collect giraffe goods since i was 4. Now i have lots and lots and ....of giraffe goods in my room. the picture is one of my collection. i bought it in Paris in this february. And also I'm sweet lover. I'm always eating sweets in my home, in class in anywhere. i love chocolates, potatochips, cookies and ....
I need a TIME!! this semester i'm sooooo busy that i can't find my time to sleep, because i'm now working to save some money for this summer!! This summer i'm planning to go to Cambodia and other Asia countries with my mom. Its a present from me to mom. So i have to work a lot and save a lots of money. But now i really really want to sleeeeep..
I want a giraffe for pet. i know its impossible now but in the future i'm seriously going to have it.
I fear the day i have to leave my home. Lots of my friends are already living by their selves but i can't imagine my lonely life. I can't cook, I can't do my laundry , I can't clean my room by myself.... oh but its coming soon.
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