I am: A 23 year old student who hails from quite possibly the bowels of the United States where there are screams of agony, cries of despair, and the scent of fire and brimstone is ever present...
No, I'm from a small town that wants to be big city but just can't jump ahead 5 or 6 years with the rest of the USA. I'm completely infatuated with all things creative, artsy, design-y, and if you just so happen to mention anything NYC, it could be disastrous to your ears as I have a profound love for that city.
I need: More time to anything and everything in my life here in Japan. There is a strange phenomenon in life in which if you have any free time at all, there is a mysterious ethereal vacuum ready to switch on and steal all your time available. My last semester here I had all the time in the world and wasted it away playing video games and drawing. Now, I'm lucky to squeeze in a sufficient amount of sleep every night. I have no regrets about this particular situation, every minute of my day is packed with being around epic people and doing epic things.
I want: Every computer at Rikkyo to have at least the top 30 typefaces in my arsenal. Rockwell, FF DIN, Helvetica Neue, Didot, Futura? Hello? There has never been a chance passed by dear beloved Rikkyo to foil every possible attempt to give any of my assignments any kind of layout structure or follow any rules of typography. If I could, I would take a hammer to the printers in 8403. They also are a formidable foe to my sanity. Also, I want world peace, to be famous, rich, and... yeah I could talk about all that forever, et cetera, ceteris paribus, e pluribus unum, ad nauseum.
I fear: Returning to the United States. I love my country, but I'm not too fond of what awaits me in my hometown... All the great friends I had before I left are all graduated, are graduating soon, or have already forgotten about me. I expect to return to a life of boredom, melancholy and a whole new level of FAIL. Will I be strong enough to conquer this juggernaut of despair that is the midwestern United States? I guess so.
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